Matcha Latte

Love drinking lattes but want to ingest less caffeine? Matcha lattes are perfect for you! Matcha is also nature's highest source of I-theanine which increases alpha wave production in the brain, making us feel calm yet alert and focused! Matcha is great for improving mental focus, boosting immune system, weight management, and it helps burns fat and reduce the feelings of stress and anxiety. 

matcha latte

I also included Ashwagandha in my latte and it's a special adaptogen that has many benefits including sharpening mental processes and increasing reaction time, relieving stress, and increasing energy, strength and stamina. It also supports healthy back and joints! 

Between matcha and ashwagandha, this is a superlatte that tastes delicious, keeps you healthy, alert and stressfree for hours!


matcha latte
  • 1 package of My Matcha Life matcha 
  • 1 teaspoon of Maju Superfoods Ashwagandha powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon 
  • 1/2 cup of almond milk 
  • 1 cup of warm water (180 degrees) 


  • BOIL water in a saucepan 
  • POUR almond milk into the saucepan and whisk together
  • ADD matcha, ashwagandha powder and cinnamon into the saucepan
  • WHISK all ingredients together
  • POUR into your mug and enjoy!

Recipe note: Add cool water to your matcha powder first before whisking to bring out the smooth flavour and I-theanine 

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